The conference is hosted by the Appalachian State University Energy Center, the Charlotte Research Institute at UNC Charlotte and the Hydrogen Economy Action…
Held March 25-26 at the Doubletree Hotel in Anaheim, Calif., the “Heat Treating of Light Alloys” program will cover new techniques in processing,…
Although it should take about a year to map the full sky, details from the satellite's first data will be reported at “Voyagers in the Heliosheath,” a…
The traditional half-day joint sessions with regional urological groups are extended to a full-day event called EAU International Day – Urology Beyond Europe. In Stockholm the EAU expects an estimated 10,000 delegates and 3,000 exhibitors. …
The Scientific Conference programme was focussed on of applications, architectures and training needs for the petascale computing regime, covering these topics…
The meeting in Madrid on 17-18 November was organised by the newly formed Research Integrity Forum of the European Science Foundation (ESF) in collaboration…