Only few weeks until the start of the 3rd Fraunhofer Life Science Symposium in Leipzig. On October 24 and 25, 2008 researchers and industrial partners will…
With more than 3,150 abstract submissions, the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting is shaping up to be the largest in the history of The Minerals, Metals & Materials…
The four full days of cutting-edge molecular life science research on display in Nice this week mark the seventh and last ELSO congress. The organisation will…
The symposium is organised and hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology. The six sessions concern regeneration in cardiac and…
The 18th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) is one of the most prominent professional organizations in the field of research on…
The Microscopical Society of Ireland’s 32nd Annual Symposium takes place from 20 to 22 August in the School of Biological Sciences in the Medical Biology…