Medical imaging is currently undergoing a period of dynamic change: Calls from medical experts for improved imaging modalities in the areas of diagnostics and…
Laser polishing processes can be used in many different applications and combinations, for example in machining micro-structured metal surfaces and complex…
Scientists from Germany and abroad will be meeting in Magdeburg from 27 to 29 November 2018 to discuss latest research on spatial cognition in aging and…
Die berühmten unendlichen Weiten sind alles andere leer. Schon im erdnahen Weltraum schwirrt es nur so von Technik, die unserer Gesellschaft das Leben…
Scientists and healthcare professionals all over the world ask themselves this question as diseases like dementia, cardiovascular diseases and cancer continue…
Berlin-Charlottenburg, a van parks at the roadside. It is equipped with diverse modems and antennas. The vehicle is a temporary node in the 5G mobile network…