GE Inspection Technologies offers for the eleventh time a X-Ray forum from July 7-9, 2015 in Cologne, Germany. This customer is intended to serve the…
Among the 70 participating laureates are three of last year’s award-winning researchers: Germany’s Stefan Hell as well as the US-Americans Eric Betzig and…
This year's conference features debates on water security and on negotiating climate policy. Press conferences include presentations on the latest results from…
Silicon is the most important material for the production of solar electricity; it is the basic material that more than 90 percent of all solar cells worldwide…
With this joint congress covering the entire spectrum of molecular life sciences, GBM and FEBS expect to bring together a wide range of researchers from all…
The SECTOR project – with more than 20 partners from industry and science – has the objective to shorten the time to market for torrefaction technology through…