On 2 and 3 December, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is organising its first education conference on ‘The role of the EIT in the…
Exhibition, congress and meeting point for all aspects of the new hospitalAlready a success for two years running in Dubai and Singapore – now in Germany for…
The focus will be on applications and technological requirements for carbon nanomaterials, especially in the fields of lightweight construction, mobility,…
The public conference provides a unique opportunity to discuss the emerging ICT and geo-information business in agriculture. The organising groups are part of…
The aftermath of the financial crisis has triggered a debate on the future of governance and the relation between states, markets and civil societies, both…
On November 16 and 17, 2010, the third eSciDoc Days will be held at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark. The event is held by FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz…