4rd Technical Conference: Subsoil Analysis, Ground Improvement and Wind Turbine Foundations


The new multi-megawatt wind energy converters (WECs) make very high demands on subsoil bearing capacity and on wind turbine foundations.

It is a fact, however, that soil conditions and load bearing capacities are often not sufficiently considered in the site selection of a new wind farm project. We can reasonably expect savings when foundation design and ground improvement processes are optimised to suit site-specific conditions.

Haus der Technik will address these issues at their 4th technical conference on “Subsoil Analysis, Ground Improvement and Wind Turbine Foundations” in Essen/GER on 21 and 22 November 2013.

We will – for the second time – offer simultaneous translation during the conference, because there is an increasing interest in the conference topic especially from abroad.

The objective of the technical conference is to convey a detailed overview of comprehensive soil investigation methods and appropriate subsoil improvement techniques, and how to choose the best foundation design for particular wind turbines. We will discuss geotechnical basics and present real-world case studies with a focus on the interaction between wind turbine design and type of foundation.

The conference is to enable participants to assess the geotechnical suitability of a site for the erection of a wind turbine and to design the required foundation.

If you are interested in the full program, please contact Haus der Technik: Mrs. Andrea Wiese, phone: +49 (0)201-1803-0, mail: information@hdt-essen.de or online: http://www.hdt-essen.de/W-H010-11-734-3

Media Contact

Bernd Hömberg Haus der Technik e.V.

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