Awards Funding

Seven life scientists get research boost to set up in Europe / EMBO Installation Grants provide three years of funding & support

EMBO Installation Grants are awarded annually and aim to strengthen science in selected member states of the EMBC, the EMBO intergovernmental funding body. The EMBC Member States hosting the grantees finance the grants entirely. EMBC Member States participating in the scheme include Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Turkey.

Each scientist receives 50,000 euro annually for three to five years to help them establish their groups and themselves in the European scientific community. Grantees are integrated into the prestigious EMBO Young Investigator network, providing networking opportunities with some of Europe’s best young group leaders and a range of career development programmes.

“We welcome these seven talented researchers to the EMBO community as recipients of the 2008 EMBO Installation Grants,” said Hermann Bujard, EMBO Director. “They represent a promising scientific future for the countries receiving them and for Europe as a whole. The secure financial backing of their host countries plus the active interest and support of EMBO will foster their scientific and professional development.”

A committee of EMBO Members selected the successful candidates for the high standard of their research. By bringing this level of scientific talent into the participating countries, EMBO hopes to improve the competitiveness of these countries in European science.

One of the seven grantees will establish a research group in the Czech Republic, one in Estonia, two in Hungary, one in Poland, one in Portugal and one in Turkey. Three scientists will move from positions in the USA, two will move from the UK, one from Sweden and one from Switzerland.

The next application deadline for EMBO Installation Grants is 15 April 2009.

EMBO Installation Grantees
Martin Anger, Czech Republic
Viljar Jaks, Estonia
Attila Gacser, Hungary
Rita Sinka, Hungary
Tomasz Guzik, Poland
Tiago Outeiro, Portugal
Ertugrul Kilic, Turkey

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