The awards include a UK-Indian research project which aims to deliver sustainable decentralised bioenergy for both the developed and developing world.The…
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards seek to recognize and encourage world-class research at international level, and can be considered second…
This theory suggests that in its early history the Earth suffered glaciations so major that it froze over completely. It remains controversial, but has proved…
The ten-year grant has been awarded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to the University’s Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology…
Massagué’s research has elucidated fundamental processes that control cell division and identified genes playing a key role in tumor generation and metastasis….
Through the philanthropic support of an alumnus, Drexel University has established the $100,000 Anthony J. Drexel Exceptional Achievement Award for faculty…
In 1975, Broecker published the article “Climate Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?” in the journal Science, marking the first ever…
EMBO Installation Grants are awarded annually and aim to strengthen science in selected member states of the EMBC, the EMBO intergovernmental funding body. The…
Dr Rashid Ali, at the University’s School of Aerospace, Automotive and Design Engineering and co-ordinator of The European Student Competition of Unmanned…
The recipients of this year’s Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize have been officially announced. At its meeting in Bonn today, the Joint Committee of the Deutsche…
The team scooped top prize in the annual Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES) by impressing a panel of judges with their proposal for a hypothetical…
The award ceremony will take place on Monday, Dec. 8, at the Raphael Magid Auditorium, Ein Kerem campus, where Prof. Bergman will present a lecture on…
Determined by a jury consisting of leading experts from both academia and industry, the three highest ranked applications in each category were awarded cash…
These DEISA Extreme Computing (DECI) projects will each have access to resources at one or more of the 11 DEISA partner sites, including 12 of the Top 100 most…
Daimler was given top honours in the powertrain/chassis category for the world’s first commercial-volume polymer oil pan module, which was developed with Bruss…
The award is made under the aegis of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences “td-net for Transdisciplinary Research”, in recognition of the project managers’…