Awards Funding

Awards Funding

ThruVision Wins Grand Security Product Award for Innovative Screening

An innovative security screening system from ThruVision, that can detect hidden explosives, liquids, narcotics, weapons, plastics and ceramics from a distance,…

Awards Funding

Danish-Swedish Researcher Wins International Dairy Award

The award was presented during the IDF Open Forum on Present and Future Work, at the International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit in Mexico.Professor Ylva Ardö has developed a new technique to preserve milk samples using bronopol, which is not detrimental to health, for analysis of milk for payment and breeding. The technique is useful for spectroscopic as well as laboratory reference methods analyzing e.g. fat, protein, lactose and cell content and is today used by most routine analysis laboratories for milk samples in Europe, North America and Australia….

Awards Funding

University of Essex Secures £1.5M for Election Survey Insights

The BES is the UK’s top political science research study. It investigates why people vote, and why they choose one party rather than another when they do vote….

Awards Funding

Double celebration – two STFC spin outs win at IET awards

The two spin out companies, Oxsensis Ltd and LiteThru Ltd, both based at STFC’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, scooped the awards for their respective…

Awards Funding

«Swiss Computer Science Challenges Award» prizewinner honored / Prizewinning Swiss Visions in Information Technology

“The aim of this competition is to encourage the Swiss computer science community and in particular its younger researchers to determine and address the most…

Awards Funding

Young Journalists Compete in Sixth Siemens-ZVEI Challenge

In this, the sixth round of the technical journalism competition organized by Siemens and the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers'…

Awards Funding

Twelve Young Scientists Recognized as EMBO Investigators

Now in its ninth year, the programme annually identifies the brightest and most promising European young researchers at a critical stage of their scientific…

Awards Funding

John Thompson Recognized for Groundbreaking Ecology Contributions

The award was established by the journal Oikos in honour of the Swedish ecologist Per Brinck, who played an instrumental role in the development and…

Awards Funding

SNHU Awards Global M.B.A. Scholarship to Jennifer Allen

Southern New Hampshire University’s Go-Getters Challenge, a two-month campaign to award one contestant a free Global M.B.A., named Jennifer Allen, of Mexico…

Awards Funding

University of Essex Hosts Innovative Discourse Discussion

The funding is for Dr Aletta Norval and Dr David Howarth (both Department of Government) and Dr Ewen Speed (School of Health and Human Sciences) to organise a…

Awards Funding

Portable Roptalmu Robot: Finalist at 2008 Strategic Manufacturing Awards

The machine created by the technological centre – based in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa – and known as Roptalmu, is a lightweight and portable robot the…

Awards Funding

Shrewsbury School Wins Top UK Space Competition

Shrewsbury School, in Shropshire, beat five other groups from around the UK in the final stage of the competition which was announced at an awards ceremony at…

Awards Funding

German-American Biologist Wins MacArthur Award for Innovation

The 34-year-old evolutionary biologist will receive 500.000 Dollars over the next five years from the MacArthur Foundation. The extraordinary thing about this…

Awards Funding

European Legal Challenges: Insights from Professor Gobert

Professor Gobert, of the School of Law, explains: 'Events over the past decade have heightened awareness of the harm that can be caused by companies and other…

Awards Funding

Exploring Injected Spin Lasers: Insights from Professor Adams

The Department’s Professor Mike Adams explains: 'The research topic is “Injected Spin Lasers”, that is lasers whose output polarisation is controlled by the…

Awards Funding

First ‘Bernhard Dräger Award for Advanced Treatment of Acute Respiratory Failure’ awarded to Dr Hermann Heinze

The research prize, which is worth €15,000 and was donated by Dräger, was presented during the Society’s annual conference. Prof Dr V. Marco Ranieri,…
