Professors Maldacena, Polchinski and Vafa are being honored for their fundamental contributions to superstring theory. Their studies range from early work on…
The Diet and Health Research Industry Club (DRINC) is managed and led by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and aims to bring…
There are two categories of Award:Category A: New Researcher – for bioscience researchers currently reading for a Masters or PhD, or in the first year of a…
Spain, which remains the fifth-largest contributor to CERN, is also financing, with nearly €20 million a year, the Spanish teams participating in the primary…
The six scientists are conducting basic and tumor immunology laboratory investigations at distinguished academic institutions throughout the United States, as…
The European Research Council (ERC) promotes pioneering basic research by supporting excellent and unusually creative scientists. Dr. Katja Sträßer from the…
The Population Training and Research Capacity for Development (PopTRCD) initiative will enable social scientists at Southampton to work alongside colleagues in…
The European Council of Ministers today agreed to provide 100 million euro from the EU Seventh Framework Programme to top up the at least 300 million already…
These two scientists will receive funding in 2008 similar to the previous nine awardees announced in November 2007. The European Molecular Biology Organization…
The £28.5 million funding comes from the science portfolio of the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), and will be used for the study of…
Launching the SFI Annual Report at the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin, Minister Devins said “Investment in research is at the core of the Government’s…
All cells that make up the tissues of the body – such as skin, liver, brain and blood – are surrounded by a layer of sugars that coat the cells.These sugars…
The Wellcome Trust has awarded £4.7 million (€5.8 million) to EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) to support the transfer of a large collection…
Professor Clifford Taggart, a professor of Oral Science in the School of Medicine and Dentistry, has won a top European prize of €50,000 to research Chronic…
It is hoped the Medical Research Council award will help the scientists discover improved treatments for nicotine dependence – which can result in increased…
Business, Taxation and Welfare – Taxation can have large knock on effects on the choices that a business can make including higher product price, lower wages…