The aim is to find new ideas for the commercial use of global satellite navigation systems, and to kick off new businesses in this area in Europe. Among the…
The awards celebrate the best published research across medical and biological science within any of BioMed Central's open access journals.To demonstrate the…
UKRR is an agreement between higher education and the British Library whereby the British Library will store low-use journals for the HE community and make…
This year's Charles S. Falkenberg Award commends Daniel E. Irwin for creating an unprecedented monitoring and visualization system that's shared among…
This award is given annually to recognize the accomplishments of an individual working in the field of physical organic chemistry or applying the principles of…
Iowa State University and University of Hawai‘i researchers have won national recognition for their work to grow microscopic fungus in leftovers from ethanol…
“Take Your Innovation to the Market”. www.tbpc-astf.netDeadline for applying is: 22 July 2008The Arab Technology Business Plan Competition is a regional…
Briscoe receives the award in recognition of his discovery that cells integrate time of exposure and concentration of a morphogen to subsequently mount a…
The objective of the project is to exchange research results and foster collaborations in these three areas between Latin America, the Western Balkans, North…
United States researchers Harold Mooney and Peter Raven, regarded as the architects of the modern science of Biodiversity, share the 500,000 euro prize in the…
They received the prize, worth 10,000 euros, on July 4, 2008 in Berlin for their findings published in Nature Immunology* from Professor Peter Schlag,…
The grant, by Leukaemia Research, will fund work analysing a wide range of cancer-causing genes in the hope of targeting their common mechanisms of action for…
“The aim for Mensa Heating I/S is to give café guests the opportunity to sit outside comfortably during most of the year. Up until now, they have frequently…
“Click events offer an innovative integrated service which is unique and simple. We know that our customers are busy and we want to offer them the possibility…
“In essence, Vebbio wants to solve the waste problem worldwide through innovative ways of recycling garbage,” said Ovidiu Vasiliu from Vebbio.“We all know that…
The scientific researcher of the European Centre for Soft Computing (Spain), Enric Trillas (Barcelona 1940), has won the prestigious Kampé de Fériet Award…