Since 1978 this award is annually given to up to 40 young scientists by the Max Planck Society. It is supposed to encourage highly talented people to pursue a…
The aim of these Chairs is to facilitate knowledge transfer and strengthen cooperative ties between world-class teams and centers in Spain and international…
The majority of Dr Coldea’s work uses the ISIS neutron source at the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxford. ISIS…
This year two prizes of €10,000 will be awarded – one for mid-career and one for lifetime achievement. Nominations open today (25 March) and close on 4 July…
Professor Nichol is the only cosmologist and one of just two British scientists to receive the award, which has a prize of 50,000 euros. He said: “This is a…
West Yorkshire-based Briton Engineering Developments Ltd, who produce the ‘Snowflex’ artificial ski slope system, have been working with the University of…
We would like to invite you to submit your product, material or developed method as a contribution to the award and give you the opportunity to highlight the…
WHAT? The European Science Awards 2007 …
The EMBO Award for Communication in the Life Sciences is presented annually to a life scientist in Europe for outstanding contributions to the public…
Bart De Strooper (VIB, K.U.Leuven) has been playing a prominent role in researching the processes that underlie this degenerative disease. He has received…
Jo-Anne Nina Sewlal, from Trinidad, was awarded the accolade for her article ‘Ants: Who is Using Whom?’ which explains how a variety of plants and animals…
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has named Joseph Sifakis, Edmund Clarke and Allen Emerson winners of its A.M. Turing Award 2007 for their…
Each year, ERCIM awards a promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics with the Cor Baayen Award. The winner of the award receives…
WHO? Janez Potoènik, European Commissioner for Science and ResearchMojca Kucler Dolinar Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and TechnologyLeading…
Celtic Catalysts was among the four Irish biotech companies, all members of IBEC’s Irish BioIndustry Association (IBIA), who took part in the international…
Patrícia will receive her €50,000 award at a ceremony in the Netherlands on 14 March. The Golden Ark Award honours creativity, leadership, innovation and…