Ugo Antonio Troiano. Image Credit: UC Riverside

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Global Finance

Business and Finance
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Democracies Enhance Women’s Labor Market Participation

UCR study finds that freer societies compel more women to pursue careers The benefits of democratic societies go beyond greater personal freedoms and liberties. A new study by a UC Riverside economics professor has found that democratic systems of government also lead to higher participation by women in the labor market. By examining world labor and political data spanning back to the 19th century, UC Riverside Associate Professor Ugo Antonio Troiano found that women who lived in democracies during their…

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Awards Funding

BMBF Funds Innovative Pancreas Chip for Diabetes Research

In various types of diabetes, the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed. Science is focusing more and more on replacement and regeneration…

Awards Funding

Sarah Amalia Teichmann Wins Helmholtz International Fellow Award

“I cannot imagine a better award winner,” says Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian Theis, Director of the Institute of Computational Biology (ICB) at the Helmholtz Zentrum…

Awards Funding

Kiel University Leads €1M Project in Inflammation Research

Academic and industry partners from nine different countries join forces to achieve the ambitious goals of the project which has started at the beginning of…

Awards Funding

Radio Astronomers Win EU Funding for Research Support

RadioNet will provide support for various aspects of radio astronomical research in Europe; it will enable scientists from all over the world to use the radio…

Awards Funding

Europe Unites for Spinal Cord Injury Research with €1.34M Grant

Six European research teams including Dr. Michell Reimer and his team at the DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) – Cluster of Excellence at…

Business and Finance

Turning Strong Brands into Profits: Insights for Success

The Marketing Department’s main goals are to make brands more recognizable and increase sales. The Finance Department’s work is aimed at safeguarding the…

Awards Funding

Discovering Earth’s Oldest Ice: A Quest in Antarctica

In Antarctica internationally leading ice and climate scientists of 14 institutions from ten European countries are looking for the oldest ice on Earth. Goal…

Awards Funding

Empa Innovation Award: New Flame Retardant for PU Foams

We frequently encounter polyurethane (PU) foams in everyday life: they are in the insulation in house façades and refrigerators, in car seats, in living room…

Awards Funding

Continued Funding Boosts Research on Programmed Cell Death

Programmed cell death is a basic pre-requisite for life, and its underlying mechanisms are immensely interesting not only for cancer research. The tri-national…

Business and Finance

Demographic Change: Impact on Germany’s Tax Revenue Explained

In the next decades, population aging in Germany will accelerate and also induce a decline of the total population. These demographic changes can be expected…

Awards Funding

International Bionic Award Highlights Innovations in Bionics

During the bionics congress “Patents of Nature”, which took place on 21 October 2016 in Bremen, Kai Winands and Mario Pothen from the Fraunhofer IPT and their…

Awards Funding

Affordable Electricity Innovations from Solar Contest Winners

The Canopus Foundation and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, who collaboratively organized the 2nd »Solar for All« Contest for Innovative…

Awards Funding

Emmy Noether junior research group investigates new magnetic structures for spintronics applications

Theoretical physicist Dr. Karin Everschor-Sitte will be setting up an Emmy Noether independent junior research group at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz…

Awards Funding

Digital Simulations Boost Engine Efficiency: FVV Awards 2016

The 2016 award went to Lukas Berger, RWTH Aachen University, who studied in his master thesis the formation of soot emissions in aircraft gas turbine engines…

Business and Finance

Blockchain’s Impact on Financial Services: Insights from Infosys

Infosys Consulting, in partnership with HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, has recently published its latest white paper, Blockchain Technology and the…

Awards Funding

IHP Project Advances to Final Round of European Innovation Prize

As part of the EU project “myAirCoach”, researchers from IHP – Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics develop an intelligent adapter for standard…
