A grant from the American Cancer Society will allow researchers to develop a comprehensive picture of the factors that may contribute to increased cancer risk in some neighborhoods. A University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health researcher has received a $1.2 million grant from the American Cancer Society to evaluate potential links between the neighborhood environment and cancer risk. “The study will give us a much more complex look at the many factors that may contribute to increased…
Target Group: The Innovation Award addresses laser manufacturers, laser users and researchers, who have successfully conceived and implemented an innovative…
As part of the modernization, Siemens will implement its Spectrum Power network control system and equip the grid with SCADA/DMS functions (Supervisory Control…
Over the next four years, the Carl Zeiss Foundation will be providing support in the form of EUR 850,000 to the Advanced Lab for Electrochemistry and…
Innovative research and new techniques in the field of environmental and ecosystem sciences not only lead to new understandings, but also to a flood of data….
Professor Martin Jinek’s main research interest is a sophisticated bacterial mechanism known as the CRISPR system that has recently been developed into a…
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and FIZ Karlsruhe are delighted to reveal the latest innovations for Intellectual Property (IP) professionals. New STN, a…
“John Hardy is a pioneer,“ says Prof. Pierluigi Nicotera, Chairman of the DZNE’s Executive Board. “To him we owe groundbreaking insights into the genetic…
Davon entfielen 127,4 Mrd. Euro auf Xetra (Juli 2014: 91,3 Mrd. Euro). Der durchschnittliche Xetra-Tagesumsatz lag im Juli bei 5,5 Mrd. Euro (Juli 2014: 4,0…
The Roentgen prize of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen has been awarded to junior scientists who have distinguished themselves through excellent…
Along with the work programme, the ERC opened the calls for the „Starting Grants (StG)“ scheme. The “Starting Grants” are designed for excellent young…
The European Union granted over three million euros to the so-called “MEL-PLEX” network, around 500.000 euros are intended for the Life Sciences Research Unit…
Professor Robson Santos’ research focuses on angiotensin peptides. These are part of an intricate system of hormones and enzymes known as the renin-angiotensin…
40 years after the launch of its first series model, Siretom, Siemens Healthcare is looking back on the successful development of its computed tomography…
The index has now been falling since February 2015. The flash estimate for June is based on data for 41 ports, which combined account for almost 73% of the…
The groups of researchers from Barcelona, Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover, Hatfield (UK), Osnabrück and Stockholm are going to tread completely new paths.
“In our partnership with Amprion, we will help make the new Brauweiler main control center a benchmark in the ENTSO-E environment. Equipped with our new…