Ugo Antonio Troiano. Image Credit: UC Riverside

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Business and Finance
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Democracies Enhance Women’s Labor Market Participation

UCR study finds that freer societies compel more women to pursue careers The benefits of democratic societies go beyond greater personal freedoms and liberties. A new study by a UC Riverside economics professor has found that democratic systems of government also lead to higher participation by women in the labor market. By examining world labor and political data spanning back to the 19th century, UC Riverside Associate Professor Ugo Antonio Troiano found that women who lived in democracies during their…

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Awards Funding

Fraunhofer HHI Wins AIS Award for 3D Human Body Tech

The 3D Human Body Reconstruction technology captures real persons with multiple cameras at the same time and creates naturally moving dynamic 3D models, which…

Awards Funding

Inspired by nature – scalable chemical factory due to photomicroreactors

The DECHEMA prize is endowed with 20,000 euros and is awarded annually for outstanding research work in the fields of technical chemistry, process engineering,…

Awards Funding

Goethe University Frankfurt Launches Two New Research Groups

“The two new research groups funded by the German Research Foundation show how Goethe University Frankfurt is tackling topics which are socially relevant and…

Awards Funding

Kim Nasmyth Wins Breakthrough Prize for Life Sciences Innovation

The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences honours transformative advances toward understanding living systems and extending human life. The biochemist Kim…

Awards Funding

Unlocking Catalysis: Advancements in Chemical Transformations

Catalysis is a field of chemistry that studies materials that can accelerate or bring about chemical transformations. Hu has distinguished himself through his…

Business and Finance

Corporate Coworking: Fueling Innovation for Businesses

Three years ago, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO released “The Fascination of Coworking – Potentials for Companies and their Employees.”

Awards Funding

Kiel University Scientists Secure EU Funding for New Implants

It is being funded by the European Research Council with a so-called Proof of Concept Grant. It aims at putting the results of fundamental research into…

Awards Funding

Unveiling Gold’s Origins: Insights from Astrophysicist Bauswein

Astrophysicist Dr. Andreas Bauswein from the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) has successfully acquired a Starting Grant from the European…

Awards Funding

Lasagni Wins Materials Science and Technology Prize 2017

Lasagni has been doing research in the field of laser structuring at the Fraunhofer IWS Dresden since September 2008 and at the “Technische Universität…

Awards Funding

Eduard Arzt Honored With Top Award by German Materials Society

The native Austrian has won international recognition through over 400 publications, numerous patents and awards, such as the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize…

Awards Funding

German-Russian Research Groups Secure Three-Year Funding

Scientists from a Helmholtz Center and a Russian partner respectively are involved in the selected research projects. “I am delighted that we have been able to…

Awards Funding

IVAM Marketing Prize Celebrates 10 Years of Tech Innovation

The competition for the IVAM Marketing Prize was launched in 2009, because there were various awards for technical innovations, but none that appreciated…

Awards Funding

Exploring RNA’s Role in Leukemia Gene Mutations

For many years Rolf Marschalek has been investigating gene mutations that cause different kinds of leukemia. One particularly common mutation is a chromosomal…

Awards Funding

Funding Boost for Chromatin Research in Cancer Therapy

Chromatin Dynamics (SFB 1064)

Business and Finance

Rewiring Financial Networks to Cut Systemic Risk

A tax on systemically risky transactions could reshape financial networks into a new structure that is less vulnerable to cascading financial system shocks…

Awards Funding

Jaime Agudo-Canalejo Wins Otto Hahn Medal for Membrane Research

The supramolecular architecture of the living cell is based, to a large extent, on fluid membranes that consist of bilayers of lipid molecules. These membranes…
