Based on provisional results, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a decrease of 1.7% on the previous year.
For further information please call:
Hanna Lutsch,
tel: (+49-611) 75-2443,
Based on provisional results, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a decrease of 1.7% on the previous year.
For further information please call:
Hanna Lutsch,
tel: (+49-611) 75-2443,
In 2014, German public and private institutions of higher education spent Euro 48.2 billion on teaching, research and health treatment.
The level of investment in Europe is still significantly below the level of 2007, the period before the financial and economic crisis. The Juncker investment…
In 2014, non-university research institutions spent approximately 12.5 billion euros on research and development in Germany.
The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a decline of 3.2% or 4,400 students compared with 2012.