New insights on bacteria that causes food poisoning

The pathogenic genes of Providencia rustigianii can be transferred to Enterobacteriaceae as well.
Credit: Shinji Yamasaki, Osaka Metropolitan University

Latest research reveals the properties of a type of food poisoning bacteria, and paves way for establishment of preventive methods.

Recently, Providencia spp. which have been detected in patients with gastroenteritis, and similar to enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. O157 and Salmonella spp., have been attracting attention as causative agents of food poisoning. For children with low immunity, food poisoning can be lethal as it causes severe symptoms such as diarrhea and dehydration, so clarifying the source of infection and pathogenic factors of Providencia spp., and establishing preventive methods are urgent issues worldwide.

A joint research group led by Professor Shinji Yamasaki, Dr. Sharda Prasad Awasthi, a Specially Appointed Lecturer, and graduate student Jayedul Hassan from the Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Osaka Metropolitan University, determined how the pathogenic genes in some Providencia spp. such as Providencia alcalifaciens and Providencia rustigianii are transferred within bacterial cells of genus Providencia. The group has also elucidated that the pathogenic genes of Providencia rustigianii are also transferred to other bacterial cells belonging to Enterobacteriaceae.

Professor Yamasaki concluded, “This achievement is expected to provide new insights into the identification of infection routes of Providencia spp. and the establishment of preventive methods for food poisoning.”

The findings were published in Infection and Immunity.

About OMU

Osaka Metropolitan University is the third largest public university in Japan, formed by a merger between Osaka City University and Osaka Prefecture University in 2022. OMU upholds “Convergence of Knowledge” through 11 undergraduate schools, a college, and 15 graduate schools. For more research news visit or follow us on Twitter: @OsakaMetUniv_en, or Facebook.

Journal: Infection and Immunity
DOI: 10.1128/iai.00121-22
Method of Research: Experimental study
Subject of Research: Not applicable
Article Title: Presence of functionally active cytolethal distending toxin genes on a conjugative plasmid in a clinical isolate of Providencia rustigianii
Article Publication Date: 9-May-2023
COI Statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Media Contact

Yoshiko Tani
Osaka Metropolitan University

Media Contact

Yoshiko Tani
Osaka Metropolitan University

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