Health and Medicine

This subject area encompasses research and studies in the field of human medicine.

Among the wide-ranging list of topics covered here are anesthesiology, anatomy, surgery, human genetics, hygiene and environmental medicine, internal medicine, neurology, pharmacology, physiology, urology and dental medicine.

Anti-ageing and increased mental capacity through cannabis

Bonn researchers clarify the influence of treatment with tetrahydrocannabinol on the metabolic switch mTOR: A low-dose long-term administration of cannabis can not only reverse aging processes in the brain, but…

Surprising mechanism of lupus kidney damage identified

A team led by Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, German Rheumatology Research Center and the Max Delbrück Center have defined key cells behind severe kidney damage in lupus. The research, published…

Early disease detection in body fluids with photonic biosensors

Standard medical procedures are often time-consuming and generally do not take into account the individual characteristics of patients. This can have a negative impact on the success of treatment and…

Targeted therapy for cancer of unknown primary (CUP)

Encouraging results from a large international study led by Heidelberg have recently been published in the journal “Lancet”: The genetic material of cancer cells with unknown tissue of origin contains…

AI tool improves diagnosis of leukaemia in children

Significant progress in personalised medicine: MHH researchers combine comprehensive clinical data in an easy-to-use platform. Genetic changes are the driving force behind many types of cancer, including leukaemia. They have…

World first in steroid-related harm reduction

A focus on harm reduction has led to a world-first steroid-testing service being offered in Brisbane.  Launched by Griffith University’s Dr Tim Piatkowski in partnership with the Queensland Injectors Health…

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