Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Crime fighting potential for computerised lip-reading

The three-year project, which starts next month, will collect data for lip-reading and use it to create machines that automatically convert videos of…

The Battle for the Best Software Systems

As enabling technologies such as Grid, Web Services, Semantic Web, and Peer-to-peer computing etc. are rapidly becoming mature, the Internet and the Web have…

Genedata in Screening Analysis Collaboration with Chugai in Japan

During the past twelve months Genedata Screener has provided computational support throughout a complete screening cycle at Chugai. Beginning with assay…

Enter 'Junior': Stanford team's next-generation robot joins DARPA Urban Challenge

“In the last Grand Challenge, it didn't really matter whether an obstacle was a rock or a bush, because either way you'd just drive around it,” says Sebastian…

Finding survivors, protecting drivers

At the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Symposium, Assistant Professor Hossein Hashemi of the USC Ming Hsieh department of electrical engineering will…

Queen’s University Belfast to Create World’s Largest E-Resource for Irish Studies

The creation of the one-stop shop for Irish Studies has been made possible as a result of a £620,000 grant from the UK’s Joint Information Services Committee…

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