Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Explore planet Earth in near-real time

MIRAVI, short for MERIS Images RApid VIsualisation, tracks Envisat around the globe, generates images from the raw data collected by Envisat’s optical…

Monitoring devices for security and economy

The advent of new wireless and mobile technologies has produced a massive wave of innovative communication systems, but experts still say this is only the…

Researchers developing software to improve colon exams

The researchers' software and related hardware, for example, could analyze videos of colonoscopy procedures — a tiny video camera at the tip of a flexible…

ESA and JAXA satellites ‘talk’ to each other

With more than 50 environmental satellites orbiting in space, interoperability and cross-support are important topics among space agencies because…

IT industry looks to human behaviour experts to improve security

By learning how other unrelated sectors and domains successfully build trust and communicate risk it is hoped that the IT industry can encourage computer users…

In the Europewide SmartTouch project, NFC technology is successfully piloted by the City of Oulu, Finland

The City's elderly care department, its catering service Oulun Ateria and logistics firm Oulun Logistiikka have been engaged in a pilot project involving…

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