Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.
This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.
FING-ART-PRINT, a 2.5-year project funded by the European Commission, undertaken by a consortium of European partners, aims to provide a means of uniquely…
By Christina B. WingeThe technology that archaeologists and ICT researchers have recently adopted is called “structured light”. It is a method that quickly and…
“We have created and analyzed the code in the spirit of helping to guide public officials so that they can make wise decisions about how to secure elections,”…
Product miniaturisation is fast reaching the level where tiny, intelligent devices can be embedded into virtually any part of our environment. This is the era…
The system has been developed by researchers from the University's Division of Primary Care in collaboration with Health Protection Agency surveillance…
Also, the research – conducted at the Georgia Institute of Technology's College of Computing — identified two additional techniques for combating spam:…