Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Sensor Nation

Dust-sized wireless communications nodes, pinhead-size cameras, and other sensors; contact-lens video displays and wearable computers controlled by subvocal speech and other muscle movements; and the ability to google anything, anywhere–we will soon be able to know almost everything about everyone. Explosive advances in the technologies of sensing and data mining demand that we ask: is privacy a fundamental right or a passing phenomenon?

Privacy is mentioned in neither the U.S. Constitution

Satellites aiding disaster relief

Recent demonstrations have shown how making use of digital processing technology on board satellites can help emergency services share information more effectively during natural disasters.

SkyPlexNet is a project funded by ESA Telecom. The technology that has been developed makes it possible to access satellite resources directly and manage the distribution of the multimedia contents to the remote users independently. It is relatively simple, low-cost and avoids the need to centralise da

Wi-Fi Finds the Way

In the concrete canyons of city centres, GPS satellite positioning systems often fail because high buildings block the signals they rely on. But an unlikely back-up for GPS is emerging: Wi-Fi. A Wi-Fi based positioning system developed in the US and the UK works best where GPS fails: in cities and inside cavernous complexes like shopping malls. And because cheap Wi-Fi technology is already appearing on a raft of gadgets like PDAs, cellphones and laptops faster than more expensive GPS receivers are

Darpa Funds New Photonic Research Center at Illinois

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has received a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to create a photonic research center to develop ultra-fast light sources for high-speed signal processing and optical communications systems. The grant will provide $6.2 million in funding over four years.

The Hyper-Uniform Nanophotonic Technology Center is directed by Norman K.Y. Cheng, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and a researcher at the university’

Measuring the success of the next generation Internet

IPv6 will play a key role in the next generation Internet. It promises to deliver better quality services than the existing Internet, but how can we be sure? IST project 6QM was set up to ensure service providers deliver what they promise.

The 6QM project has developed technology to measure the quality of service (QoS) in IPv6 networks. “A prominent feature that we are concentrating on in our measurement system is the capability to perform passive flow measurement,” says Rudolf Roth, proje

How Many Squares, Mr. Franklin?

When he wasn’t experimenting with lightning or overthrowing the British Empire, Benjamin Franklin found time to fool around with mathematics, inventing a variant of the magic square called Franklin’s squares. Now Maya Ahmed, a mathematics graduate student at UC Davis, has come up with a way to construct both Franklin’s own squares and others of the same type. The methods could have applications in computer programming for business.

A regular magic square is a table of numbers in which any

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