Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Volkswagen Selects ILOG to Enable Custom Car Production in Spain

ILOG’s Optimization Adds Customization Options And Improves Production Efficiency

ILOG® (NASDAQ: ILOG; Euronext: ILO, ISIN: FR0004042364), a leading supplier of enterprise-class software components and services, today announced that ILOG’s optimization software has been deployed by the Volkswagen (VW) Group of Spain allowing them to offer customers more customized products and optimize production planning. These new car sequencing and production planning systems have been impleme

NASA researchers customize "lab-on-a-chip" technology to help protect future space explorers and detect life forms on Mars

With a microscope and computer monitor, researchers at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., watch fluorescent bacteria flow through tiny, fluid highways on a dime-sized lab on a chip.

Lab-on-a-chip technology allows chemical and biological processes — previously conducted on large pieces of laboratory equipment — to be performed on a small glass plate with fluid channels, known to scientists as microfluidic capillaries.

“We are studying how lab-on-a-chip

’Heads-up’ display lives up to its name

Student-designed device helps the visually impaired avoid hazards, day and night

Using a common laptop computer and a sophisticated head-mounted projection device, students at the University of Washington (UW) have created a system to help people with poor vision navigate around stationary objects.

The Wearable Low Vision Aid (WLVA) is the first portable device to draw attention to obstacles using an illuminated, vibrating crystal that projects a warning icon-a raster image

Haptics technology makes the impossible possible

How would it feel to pick up a Boeing 777 while standing on an asteroid? Or to play with a yo-yo on Mars? Or even to explore a box that is larger on the inside than on the outside? All these things are now possible as scientists at the University of Reading are developing technology which allows computer users to touch, grip and even manipulate ‘impossible objects’.

The methods are still in their infancy, but the new technology has a variety of potential applications, including training sim

Using biometrics to securely check virtual identities

By linking biometrics with cryptographic authentication, the VIPBOB IST project has developed a new and more secure method of verifying a person’s unique identification number using an old-fashioned, but proven method – the fingerprint.

Biometrics refers to the measurement of certain properties of the human body, such as the ridges on the fingertip, the structure of this iris or the pattern of speech. Many of these properties are truly random – they are different even for genetically i

Waving goodbye to the blue screen

System crashes are not only annoying, they can bring a company to its knees. So IT specialists will welcome a way to measure the dependability of standard operating systems (OS). After conducting hundreds of computer-stress experiments, a European consortium has developed a new benchmarking method for commercial and open source systems.

Gone are the days when performance was all that mattered. What information technology people want – but rarely get – is a reliable system. Especially now th

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