Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Grid technologies for the medical community

Powerful computer simulation tools have been developed to assist doctors in diagnosis, pre-operation planning and surgery. So powerful in fact that many of these tools cannot be run efficiently on normal computers. The Grid, however, is much more than a normal desktop – it is a vast interconnected collection of computers, programmes and people. And the IST project GEMSS is harnessing the Grid’s processing power to place it in the hands of medical practitioners.

The GEMSS project plans t

Tumatxa, software tool to manage translation memories on a web environment

Tumatxa is a web application that handles Translation Memories. It has been created by CodeSyntax( ), a Basque company working with free software and language technologies. The application can be tested on our website where two online demos are also available.

What are translation memories?

Translation Memory or TM is a technology widely used in professional translation and localization (unlike machine translation). The idea

World’s first “robot scientist” proves a major success in the lab

A “robot scientist” that generates hypotheses about the function of particular genes in baker’s yeast – and then designs and carries out experiments to test them – has been developed by a team of British scientists, according to new research published in the journal Nature today [15 January 2004].

“This research is very exciting as we have given the robot – under our supervision – the ability to design the experiments and interpret the data for us,” says Professor Ross King from the Univers

New Grid desktop tool making flood prediction easier

A new tool developed under the IST CROSSGRID project aims to make running applications over the distributed computing environment of the Grid even easier. It currently is being used to help predict flooding across Europe.

Led by the Polish supercomputing institute Cyfronet, 21 partners in 11 countries across Europe are working to extend the Grid environment to a new category of practical applications. One of the key tools they have developed is the migration desktop, which is designed to sup

Making the Grid transparent to users

A key objective of the ongoing EU Grid programme is to make available large-scale, distributed resources capable of solving complex processing problems. The environment, energy, health, transport and industrial design are all likely application areas. At the end of 2003 the Grid infrastructure is already a reality, interconnecting national research networks in Europe and across the world. The next question is – how do researchers access and use this huge resource?

One of largest research

Supporting Europe’s crafts sector

From ceramics to jewellery, from Greece to Slovakia, there are hundreds of small suppliers, artists, associations, museums and commercial intermediaries that comprise Europe’s craft industry. IST-project EASYCRAFT provides the business framework and technological platform to network all these craft actors, enabling them to offer value-added services demanded by today’s craft consumers, and to meet demand for new products.

Advantages of the EASYCRAFT platform

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