Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Digital Ant Colony System

Whoever thinks that ants are only erratic little beings, whose incessant wanderings are pointless or obey no kind of universal order, is very much mistaken. Their society is so organized and complex that it is already being used as a model for the creation of algorithms, adaptable to a variety of scientific areas.

Inspired by the work of Chialvo and Millonas – the creators of the first numeric simulation according to which the formation of collective cognitive maps of social insects can be

Plastic shows promise for spintronics, magnetic computer memory

Researchers at Ohio State University and their colleagues have expanded the possibilities for a new kind of electronics, known as spintronics.

Though spintronics technology has yet to be fully developed, it could result in computers that store more data in less space, process data faster, and consume less power. It could even lead to computers that “boot up” instantly, said Arthur J. Epstein, professor of physics and chemistry and director of Ohio State’s Center for Materials Research.

Three generations of optic Internet

Professor Mikel Izal from the Public University of Navarre, Basque Country, has analysed the problems to integrate new optic networks in actual network and transfer level (TCP/IP) Internet protocols. This integration will enable to create the core of the second Internet generation in future, the so called Internet 2.

In that area, technological innovations are created everyday and the thesis has been focused on the burst switching networks corresponding to the second optic Internet generatio

CERN launches Europe-wide tests of Grid technology

Budding computer experts from around the world will this week begin their own tests of the latest software developed by the European DataGrid Project. Students attending the 2002 CERN School of Computing in Vico Equense, Italy, will be submitting jobs that can run anywhere on the Project’s current Grid, which is based at 10 computer centres throughout Europe. This is the first in a series of important tests using software from the DataGrid Project that will take place throughout the autumn, and which

New computer system solves problems by tricking computers

If people were computers, Srinidhi Varadarajan of Virginia Tech’s Department of Computer Science could enable them to go back to their youth to correct mistakes they made, adapt a jet engine to run a car, or change a part from one SUV engine to another as both vehicles sped down a highway side by side.

Of course, people aren’t computers and don’t need to do those things, but computers need to do equivalent processes. Varadarajan has come up with a computer technology he calls “Weaves” that

Scientist develops method for sound navigation

Drawing on the expertise of the blind, a University of Toronto professor is “teaching” electronic devices how to navigate using surrounding sounds.

“The goal was to build a system that mimics the acoustic navigation abilities of blind people,” says Professor Parham Aarabi of the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has developed a method by which a device fitted with as few as two microphones can combine the information from sounds around it to locate

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