ADAPTA Project: Enhancing Interaction in Intelligent Environments

The ROBOTIKER Technological Centre is undertaking a Project involving Recognition of the Person and Adaptation to the Environment
The interacting of users with intelligent environments can be divided into three phases: recognising the person, adapting to the person and interacting with them. The ADAPTA project, being developed by ROBOTIKER Technological Centre, involves the first two phases of interacting with intelligent environments, i.e. recognition of the person and adaptation to the environment being its aims:
Recognition of the Person: recognising the user with or without their explicit collaboration, non-intrusively, independently of the surrounding environment or position of the person, rapidly, efficiently and, whenever possible, using non-specific devices. The need for interoperability of the various technologies required for the identification and recognition of persons makes the design of new generic and modular architectures necessary to enable a different distribution of centres for capturing, storing and processing the required data (signature files, biometric characteristics and patterns, etc.), at the same time ensuring the inviolability of this data while it is being transferred and handled.
Adaptation to the Environment: contextualising the environment on the basis of the person’s identity, the profile thereof and the type of interaction to be carried out, in an intelligent and dynamic way. When personalising the environment it is not only necessary to know who the user is, but also what actions are to be undertaken. For this, new mechanisms for the management of virtual identities and their associated profiles are needed; and the orientation of the project to situations centred on the person instead of the application is required Apart from the mentioned aims, as part of the ADAPTA project an Intelligent Environment Laboratory is being created at ROBOTIKER, enabling the generation of situations where the different models and technologies can be tested.
Contact :
Pilar Ruiz Ibáñez
(+34) 94 6002266