Information Technology

Finnish Software Blocks Adult Content for Safer Browsing

A Finnish company has launched a product that can be used to prevent children and young people from visiting adult pages on the Internet.

In addition to pages in Finnish, the Block! software of the company Oy also identifies offensive European pages. ”The problem with other than Finnish software is that it blocks access to, e.g., the pages of the Finnish municipality Pornainen or the OKO Bank of Pornainen,” states Mr Kimmo Junttila, the company’s managing director.

The software is aimed at companies whose employees might surf illegal web sites during their working hours. In addition to this, Block! identifies 143 different Peer-to-Peer networks, i.e. file sharing programs, which can easily be blocked. According to Oy, P2P networks operated by a few users have become a problem on many housing companies’ shared broadband connections.

Tekes, the National Technology Agency of Finland, has provided funding for the company’s product development.

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