Interdisciplinary Research

News and developments from the field of interdisciplinary research.

Among other topics, you can find stimulating reports and articles related to microsystems, emotions research, futures research and stratospheric research.

Seeing photovoltaic devices in a new light

Researchers at Osaka University measured the photovoltaic properties of antimony sulfiodide:sulfide devices and discover a voltage that depends on the wavelength of incident light, which may help develop new light-sensing…

Humans on Mars: Pathways Toward Sustainable Settlement

Is sustainable human exploration of Mars possible? What are the challenges on the ground and what impact will they have on us humans? Conversely, how will humans affect the new…

Elusive particle discovered in a material through tabletop experiment

Materials that contain the axial Higgs mode could serve as quantum sensors to evaluate other quantum systems and help answer persistent questions in particle physics. An interdisciplinary team led by…

A world first: for the first time, a human liver was treated in a machine

… and then successfully transplanted. The Liver4Life research team owes its perfusion machine, which was developed in house, to the fact that it became possible to implant a human organ…

Using New Technologies for More Efficient Tropical Medicine

Interdisciplinary top-level research in the field of tropical medicine is the goal of a new transnational network of excellence being established under the leadership of Professor Anna Förster of the…

Cuticle as the first protective barrier of plants against UV radiation

Researchers demonstrate that this part of the plants –the outermost part– can absorb up to 90% of harmful sunlight that is converted into heat. The cuticle – the outermost part…

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