Interdisciplinary Research

News and developments from the field of interdisciplinary research.

Among other topics, you can find stimulating reports and articles related to microsystems, emotions research, futures research and stratospheric research.

How smart, ultrathin nanosheets go fishing for proteins

An interdisciplinary team from Frankfurt and Jena has developed a kind of bait with which to fish protein complexes out of mixtures. Thanks to this “bait”, the…

Biodiversity in the Agricultural Landscape

How does ecological farming influence plant biodiversity in the agricultural landscape?

A fresh twist in chiral topology

The concept of chirality is well-established in science: when an object cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, both the object and its mirror image are…

Unlocking PNA's superpowers for self-assembling nanostructures

Published this week in Nature Communications, the work introduces a science of γPNA nanotechnology that enables self-assembly in organic solvent solutions, the…

What can maritime shipping learn from brain network science?

Dr. Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci from TU Dresden’s Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) is focusing his research on network science applied to biological systems and…

Magnetic nanopropellers deliver genetic material to cells

Scientists from the Micro Nano and Molecular Systems Lab and the Modern Magnetic Systems Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems…

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