Interdisciplinary Research

News and developments from the field of interdisciplinary research.

Among other topics, you can find stimulating reports and articles related to microsystems, emotions research, futures research and stratospheric research.

UC San Diego Team Aims to Broaden Researcher Access to Protein Simulation

These results have the potential to bring millisecond scale sampling, now available only on a multi-million dollar supercomputer, to all researchers, and could…

Applied nanobiomedicine: Exploiting nanoparticles to hunt for hidden cancer cells

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research provides over €300,000 for the next three years to fund a new research project at the Mainz University…

Notre Dame research shows food-trade network vulnerable to fast spread of contaminants

Together with food science experts József Baranyi, from the Institute of Food Research in the U.K., and Zoltán Lakner, of Corvinus University in Budapest,…

Scientists complete most comprehensive genetic analysis yet of corn

An interdisciplinary team, led by researchers at Cornell University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), today…

Why women wiggling in high heels could help improve prosthetic limbs and robots

Walking involves a repeated process referred to by scientists as 'crash, vault, push' – landing ('crashing') on the heel, vaulting over the stationary leg and…

Implants: A Better Fit Through Mathematics

This is one of the findings of a translational research project conducted by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. The project demonstrated how 3D models and special…

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