Interdisciplinary Research

News and developments from the field of interdisciplinary research.

Among other topics, you can find stimulating reports and articles related to microsystems, emotions research, futures research and stratospheric research.

CU researchers shed light on light-emitting nanodevice

The discovery, which involved years of perfecting a technique for building a specific type of light-emitting device, is reported in the Sept. 30 online…

Nature leads the way for the next generation of paints, cosmetics and holograms

The tiny single-celled ‘diatom’, which first evolved hundreds of millions of years ago, has a hard silica shell which is iridescent – in other words, the shell…

Sensitivity of brain center for ‘sound space’ defined by group led by Hebrew University researcher

The findings settle a controversy in earlier studies that failed to establish the auditory region, called the planum temporale, as responsible for perception…

European Commission is world's largest public investor in nanotechnology

A recent report, focused on the implementation of the 2005 Action Plan for Nanotechnology, shows the strategic importance of nanotechnology, an area of…

COST Open Call – Next collection date 30 September 2007

COST invites proposals for Actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe. Proposals playing a…

£3m Manchester Research Centre To Develop Vital New Science

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Computational And Dynamical Analysis (CICADA – pronounced SIKARDA) – which brings together computer scientists, mathematicians…

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