Articles and reports from the Life Sciences and chemistry area deal with applied and basic research into modern biology, chemistry and human medicine.
Valuable information can be found on a range of life sciences fields including bacteriology, biochemistry, bionics, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, geobotany, human biology, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, zoology, bioinorganic chemistry, microchemistry and environmental chemistry.
… providing insights into evolution, biofuels, cellular aging. You may be familiar with yeast as the organism content to turn carbs into products like bread and beer when left to…
Being able to observe micro-organisms and their cellular components is key to understanding fundamental processes that go on inside cells—and thus potentially developing new medical treatments. Microbiologists and biophysicists from…
The Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz-Lipmann Institute (FLI) developed an assessment system for fish health. Jena. The welfare of fish – that is what drives Dr. Beate Hoppe and…
Preclinical findings reported in the journal Cell could lead to a new type of immunotherapy. According to preclinical research published online on Jan. 10 in Cell, one of the world’s premier…
Current study reveals how machine learning, data integration and AI contribute to better strategies in the fight against pathogens. To combat viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, synthetic biology offers new…
The widely used dry-cleaning and degreasing solvent perc can be converted to useful chemicals by a new clean, safe and inexpensive procedure. The Kobe University discovery using on-demand UV activation…