Life Sciences and Chemistry

Articles and reports from the Life Sciences and chemistry area deal with applied and basic research into modern biology, chemistry and human medicine.

Valuable information can be found on a range of life sciences fields including bacteriology, biochemistry, bionics, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, geobotany, human biology, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, zoology, bioinorganic chemistry, microchemistry and environmental chemistry.

Diseases beware!

Researchers at Constructor University make crucial breakthrough in cell research. It is a breakthrough in cell research that’s poised to open up new possibilities in the fight against diseases. In…

When things get tight

How does the embryo in the rapeseed react to mechanical constraints? In 2021, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded for elucidating the biology of mechanosensors. These discoveries…

AI model for aquatic biodiversity

In the AqQua project Hereon is involved in monitoring global populations of organisms in water. Plankton and organic particles take up carbon from the atmosphere, transporting it from the water’s…

On the way to light-controlled medicine

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have succeeded in elucidating the structure of specific photoreceptors. With their help, it may be possible to switch cellular activities on and off using light. This capability could…

The cellular superhero that protects us against RNA viruses

Scientists have discovered how the antiviral protein TRIM25 finds and binds viral RNA to activate an immune response. Every second of every day, our body is under attack. The invading…

No significant PFAs emissions caused by waste incineration

Experiments at KIT show virtually no PFAS emissions when household waste containing Fluoropolymers is incinerated according to European standards. In contrast to fluoropolymers, which are also referred to as “polymeric…

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