Articles and reports from the Life Sciences and chemistry area deal with applied and basic research into modern biology, chemistry and human medicine.
Valuable information can be found on a range of life sciences fields including bacteriology, biochemistry, bionics, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, geobotany, human biology, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, zoology, bioinorganic chemistry, microchemistry and environmental chemistry.
Optimizing CAR-T Cells with CRISPR 2.0. As part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Emmy Noether Program, Dr. Karl Petri is establishing a research group at the University Hospital Würzburg…
The origins of life remain a major mystery. How were complex molecules able to form and remain intact for prolonged periods without disintegrating? A team at ORIGINS, a Munich-based Cluster…
Finding unknown effects of existing drugs. Fewer side effects, improved chances of healing: the goal of precision medicine is to provide patients with the most individualized treatment possible. This requires…
Ancient ocean temperatures are most commonly reconstructed by analysing the ratio of different oxygen atoms in the calcium carbonate remains of fossils. However, this presents many challenges, including a combination…
Transmission of tuberculosis does not only depend on the pathogen. Different groups of TB bacteria exist worldwide with different regional distribution: some are generalists and can be found on many…
Hotter conditions prevent two tiny organisms working together for mutual benefit, new research shows. University of Exeter scientists studied a single-celled organism (Paramecium bursaria) which can absorb and host algae…