Life Sciences and Chemistry

Articles and reports from the Life Sciences and chemistry area deal with applied and basic research into modern biology, chemistry and human medicine.

Valuable information can be found on a range of life sciences fields including bacteriology, biochemistry, bionics, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, geobotany, human biology, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, zoology, bioinorganic chemistry, microchemistry and environmental chemistry.

Decoding development: mRNA’s role in embryo formation

A new study at Hebrew University reveals insights into mRNA regulation during embryonic development. The study combines single-cell RNA-Seq and metabolic labeling in zebrafish embryos, distinguishing between newly-transcribed and pre-existing…

Study sheds light on cancer cell ‘tug-of-war’

How cancer cells tug against each other determines whether they can migrate elsewhere in the body. Understanding how cancerous cells spread from a primary tumor is important for any number…

Expanding a lymph node, boosting a vaccine

A biomaterial vaccine enhances and sustains lymph node expansion following vaccination, boosting anti-tumor immunity in an animal model. Each one of us has around 600 lymph nodes (LNs) – small,…

The Clues for Cleaner Water

Pitt, Drexel, and Brookhaven engineers solve the “catalysis vs corrosion” mystery in electrochemical ozone production. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and Drexel University in Philadelphia, along with Brookhaven National…

CAR T–cell immunotherapy targets

Pan-cancer analysis uncovers a new class of promising CAR T–cell immunotherapy targets. Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital found 156 potential CAR targets across the brain and solid tumors,…

Taking root on land

An international research team is examining the molecular mechanisms that enabled plants to colonize the surface of the Earth. Around 550 million years ago, the Earth’s surface was a barren…

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