LZH presents individual system technology for industry and space

The LZH develops highly specialized laser system technology for the industry - such as this welding head for large-area joining of thermoplastics.
Photo: LZH

Hannover Messe 2023:

From deposition welding to 3D printing on the moon: The Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) presents laser system technology even for extraordinary challenges at the Hannover Messe 2023.

The LZH develops complete laser system technology with the associated optimized processes. No challenge is too extraordinary – such as Additive Manufacturing in space. At the Hannover Messe from April 17 to 21, the LZH will present its laser systems technology at the joint stand of the State of Lower Saxony from the Ministry of Science and Culture in hall 2, stand A40.

Highly specialized laser system technology for every application area

At Hannover Messe 2023, the LZH will also present the “MOONRISE” project, which is about 3D printing on the moon.
Photo: LZH

Additive Manufacturing with lunar dust directly on the earth’s satellite – for this goal, the LZH is developing a laser according to strict specifications as well as the associated customized processes to print lunar dust under lunar gravity. The technology and processes that will make 3D printing on the moon possible will be demonstrated by the LZH with an exhibit at the Hannover Messe.

Highly specialized laser system technology is also used in industry. For example, to increase the service life of highly stressed components, such as injection molds, with flexible laser deposition welding, or in lightweight construction, when large areas of thermoplastics can be joined to thermoplastics or metal. At the trade show, the LZH will demonstrate how solutions for very special requirements can also be realized in an industrially suitable manner.

Niedersachsen ADDITIV: The SME partner for 3D printing

Niedersachsen ADDITIV focuses on research transfer. Practical and oriented to the respective needs, the project supports companies that want to integrate 3D printing into their production or develop it further – free of charge and independent of manufacturers. At the Hannover Messe, the experts from Niedersachsen ADDITIV will present their services for companies from Lower Saxony in hall 16 at stand G12 and discuss relevant topics with companies.

LZH partner of the Technology & Business Cooperation Days

The LZH is a partner and co-organizer of the Technology & Business Cooperation Days of the Enterprise Europe Network (een), which take place as part of the Hannover Messe. At the partnering opportunity, companies and research institutions can get in touch with each other, exchange ideas and thus find partners for research and technology cooperation. Registration for the Technology & Business Cooperation Days is free of charge until April 4 at https://technology-business-cooperation-days-2023.b2match.io/.

The LZH is also represented with presentations at the Forum tech transfer: You can find more information at https://www.lzh.de/en/hannovermesse.

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Media Contact

Lena Bennefeld Kommunikation
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.

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