Machine engineering is one of Germany’s key industries. The importance of this segment has led to the creation of new university degree programs in fields such as production and logistics, process engineering, vehicle/automotive engineering, production engineering and aerospace engineering among others.
innovations-report offers informative reports and articles covering technologies such as automation, motion, power train, energy, conveyor, plastics, lightweight construction, logistics/warehousing, measurement systems, machine tools and control engineering.
The Siemens Industry Automation Division has equipped its new 19-inch industrial rack PC, Simatic IPC547E, with powerful fourth generation Intel Core…
The Siemens Industry Automation Division has developed a new communication processor for telecontrol applications based on Simatic S7-1200 controllers. Simatic…
Siemens Industry Automation Division introduces the Sitrans Connection Apple iOS communication application, designed for use with all Sitrans F US clamp-on…
Besides the “EAS-HSC”, the “EAS-HSE” (High-Speed Elements) now transmits significantly higher speeds – as a special version, even up to 20,000 rpm. This clutch…
The spring applied “ROBA-servostop” safety brake works according to the so-called “fail-safe” principle, and therefore provides maximum safety even in the…
Aluminium which is almost completely airtight is used in households and industry in order to keep food fresh and warm. For this purpose, a foil thickness of…