Machine Engineering

Machine engineering is one of Germany’s key industries. The importance of this segment has led to the creation of new university degree programs in fields such as production and logistics, process engineering, vehicle/automotive engineering, production engineering and aerospace engineering among others.

innovations-report offers informative reports and articles covering technologies such as automation, motion, power train, energy, conveyor, plastics, lightweight construction, logistics/warehousing, measurement systems, machine tools and control engineering.

Safe tanks for hydrogen vehicles

Automated status monitoring for high-pressure storage systems. Strict safety precautions are needed if hydrogen is to be used safely. The latest fuel cell vehicles carry hydrogen in gaseous form in…

Advancing trajectory tracking control of pneumatic artificial muscle-based systems

Researchers from Japan and Vietnam develop a new approach that utilizes fuzzy logic to estimate unknown parameters and control nonlinear pneumatic artificial muscles. In recent years, pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs)…

Way cool: ‘Freeze ray’ technology for the Air Force

You know that freeze-ray gun that “Batman” villain Mr. Freeze uses to “ice” his enemies? A University of Virginia professor thinks he may have figured out how to make one…

Robotics and AI at automatica

… practical insights into leading-edge research. At this year’s automatica trade show, the munich_i high-tech platform will highlight robotics and AI developments for the third time. More than 30 demos…

Powerful object recognition for diverse applications using AI and robotics

New algorithms for object recognition and environment perception have been developed at Fraunhofer IPA, enabling sophisticated automation solutions for the service and production sectors. They are a result of the…

Elastocaloric cooling system opens door to climate-friendly AC

Air conditioning, refrigeration, and other cooling technologies account for more than 20 percent of today’s global energy consumption, while the refrigerants they use have a global warming potential thousands of…

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