Digital materials design from single crystals to engineering components

DAMASK 3.0 - Software for the simulation of crystal plasticity
(c) Max-Planck-Institut für Nachhaltige Materialien GmbH

Version 3.0 of the material simulation software suite DAMASK released.

Designing materials to meet high-tech criteria, safety, and sustainability standards is increasingly complex. To address this challenge, a team of materials scientists and software engineers lead by the Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials (MPI SusMat) has released an updated version of the Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit (DAMASK). This free, unified multi-physics crystal plasticity simulation package, initiated at MPI SusMat, is now developed as open-source software by various research groups worldwide.

“I am thrilled to see this latest release with its enormous range of new capabilities and features, revolutionizing the workflow and quality of advanced materials modelling. Micromechanical simulations for complex materials, products, manufacturing steps, processes, and alloy-process-microstructure-based property predictions to serve both basic research and industry have never been easier. A huge applause to the wonderful team behind DAMASK!”, says Professor Dierk Raabe, director at MPI SusMat and one of the early developers of this kit. Version 3.0 of DAMASK includes numerous improvements, such as new user-friendly file formats for configuring simulations and storing results, a Python library for pre- and post-processing, example configurations for various materials, and several bug fixes.

DAMASK is widely used by academic institutions and companies alike. Its development has been supported through numerous projects at the European and national level, including support from the European Union (AddMorePower, HyWay), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany, and the German Research Foundation.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

Prof. Franz Roters

Weitere Informationen: Information and free download of DAMASK

Media Contact

Yasmin Ahmed Salem M.A. Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Max-Planck-Institut für Nachhaltige Materialien GmbH

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