Materials management deals with the research, development, manufacturing and processing of raw and industrial materials. Key aspects here are biological and medical issues, which play an increasingly important role in this field.
innovations-report offers in-depth articles related to the development and application of materials and the structure and properties of new materials.
Flyanic, along with its development partner, grinding-mill equipment manufacturer RSG Inc. (, recently applied the NJIT technology to…
The new adhesive can be produced from a range of vegetable oils, and may find applications for duct tape, packaging tape, stick-on notes, labels, even postage…
In this burgeoning field of science, light waves can be controlled at all lengths of scale through the unique structuring of metamaterials, composites…
German manufacturers of sports textiles are among the most innovative companies in the textile industry. Researchers at the Hohenstein Institute in Bönnigheim…
The scientists developed these new coatings, which kill bacteria while having no negative effect on human tissue, in the frame of an EU project.Silver ions are…
A new shape memory alloy with up to now unprecedented functional stability was developed by researchers from the Institute for Materials at the…