ChemistryViews.org – a New Era for Chemical Publication in Europe

ChemPubSoc Europe is an organization of 16 European chemical societies with approx. 85,000 members, and in partnership with Wiley-VCH publishes some of the most respected publications in chemistry. It was founded on the initiative of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society), the owner of the flagship journal Angewandte Chemie. Wiley-VCH also publishes industry-leading books and journals in this market, and this partnership gives unparalleled access to the best authors and scientists, and an impressive market reach to chemists worldwide.
ChemistryViews.org is designed to address the information needs of this global community. Uniquely presenting its content through both a subject channeled approach as well as a thematic view, the site allows chemists to quickly and logically drill-down to focused content in their field, and to easily access related material, both free to view and peer-reviewed. Logical site navigation has long been cited as a key requirement by scientists eager to find and browse content quickly, and a research project into user needs has driven the interface and information structure of the new site.
ChemistryViews.org will be developed continuously according to the needs of its users. The first feature upgrade of the platform is already planned for August, and a suite of advanced features, alerting services to new peer-reviewed content and video blogs are planned for early release.
ChemistryViews was launched at a major gathering of world-leading chemists in Paris on May 21, an event streamed live to a global audience in what was a first for the chemistry community. The Frontiers of Chemistry event celebrated 10 years of the major ChemPubSoc Europe journals ChemBioChem and ChemPhysChem and brought 10 world-renowned speakers, including four Nobel laureates, to the Maison de Chimie. The event was broadcast live over the internet through a virtual event platform. An archive of the event is available from the ChemistryViews site.
Editor-in-Chief of ChemViews is Dr. Vera Köster.