Communications Media

Food Tech Innovation Portal Launches After 4 Years of Development

After 4 years of hard development work and compilation of a wide range of data, the Food Tech Innovation Portal ( will be launched to the public on the 1st of May 2013. The portal offers descriptions of technologies related to food processing, including their working principle, processing parameters and applications.

In addition, the status of the technologies, which can vary from new research results to machines already available on the market, is indicated. The technology descriptions are linked to a list of relevant and openly accessible infrastructure, which offers the opportunity to test new technologies without purchasing expensive equipment.

As the technologies and infrastructures are linked to the contact data of experts working in the respective field, it is easy to approach the right people. As an additional feature, the portal offers general information and support regarding the innovation process from pre-feasibility to market launch, including technical, legal, financial, marketing and management aspects.

The Food Tech Innovation Portal aims to provide a central address with bundled information for people interested in ‘open innovation’. In this way, the implementation of new technologies in the food sector will be fostered and enhance the competitiveness especially of small and medium-sized enterprises without their own R&D departments.

The portal is created in Wikipedia style, allowing a continuous update and extension of entries, whereby content quality is guaranteed by a review process maintained by the portal developers. Access to the portal is free of charge. However, certain functions are only available after registering for the Associated Membership Platform (AMP) ( Associated members are able to enter their own contact data, technologies and infrastructure in order to use the portal as a networking platform and to generate new business contacts. Thus not only new technologies but also suitable partners for new developments can be found. Visit the portal:

The Food Tech Innovation Portal has been developed within ‘HighTech Europe’, an EU-funded Network of Excellence comprising 22 companies and institutes from across Europe and Australia (
ttz Bremerhaven is an independent research institute which performs application-based research and development. Under the umbrella of ttz Bremerhaven, an international team of experts is working in the fields of food, environment and health.

Scientific Contact:

Media Contact:
Christian Colmer
Head of Communication and Media
ttz Bremerhaven
Fischkai 1
D-27572 Bremerhaven (Germany)
Tel.: : +49 (0)471 48 32 -124
Fax: +49 (0)471 48 32 – 129
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