As branding and advertising creep into almost every facet of life, a new study from the University of Colorado Denver shows it's now making substantial inroads…
News coverage of conservation issues is an important pathway to transfer information to large audiences because it can translate academic research and policy…
If the surroundings are designed to be sufficiently stimulating, even a simple computer screen is enough to generate an intense cinematic experience.
Coordinating product placement with advertising in the same television program can reduce audience loss over commercial breaks by 10%, according to a new study…
And while it may take time before it's known what impact email exchanges might have on patients and their care, a new study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical…
Mass–Error-correcting codes are one of the glories of the information age: They're what guarantee the flawless transmission of digital information over the…
According to various sources, Apple plans to introduce a comprehensive m-payment solution with the iPhone 6 and signed respective agreements with Mastercard,…
This not-so-distant “Internet of Things” reality would extend connectivity to perhaps billions of devices. Sensors could be embedded in everyday objects to…
This is the conclusion of a new study from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the…
According to a study conducted at the City College of New York (CCNY) in partnership with Georgia Tech, it appears that the brain responses of just a few…
It seems common practice: After a long day at work, most people sometimes just want to turn on the TV or play a video or computer game to calm down and relax.
Brands spent $8.4 billion on mobile advertising in 2013, and that number is expected to quadruple to $36 billion by 2017, according to eMarketer. But, do…
In 2010, 14 per cent of the people of Sweden had access to a smartphone; three years later, in 2013, the figure is 67 per cent. More time is devoted to both…
In today's Information Age, it's easy get overwhelmed by online content. On YouTube alone, over 100 hours worth of video is uploaded every minute. Showcasing…
Due to the significant increase in the cost of services provided by the science publisher Elsevier in recent years, the University of Konstanz has decided not…
“Here, this sort of event is greeted by silence,” says Christian Dittmar from the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Ilmenau. The…