One University of Alberta researcher has discovered that language used on billboards can provoke an emotional response that affects our driving abilities. And…
“If you want to know, down to the individual level, how many people are sick in a population, you would have to survey the population, which is costly and…
New research from Brigham Young University says such posts on Twitter could actually be helpful to health officials looking for a head start on outbreaks.The…
The research is part of a burgeoning field of study into the effects of social media on everyday relationships and behavior. Personality and social…
Many people in developing countries have cellphones that allow them to watch videos and play interactive games. Now agricultural researchers and health…
The personality and gender of the automated voices you hear when calling your credit card company or receiving directions from your GPS navigational system may…
As a study by the University of Zurich shows, children in Switzerland are adept at handling social media – they don’t surf the Net extensively and only four…
But what if watching TV under specific conditions could actually provide the mental boost you need to tackle a difficult task?A new paper that describes two…
In two studies, researchers found that college students who teamed up to play violent video games later showed more cooperative behavior, and sometimes less…
Around 10,000 have already registered at the interactive Internet educational platform and can now start to use the first content. The…
These and similar questions are currently being investigated by a consortium made up of representatives from industry, research and care providers in the…
In the 30 August issue of Nature, researchers have published an article showing that a much lower percentage of women than men are invited to write articles in…
The content of alcohol ads placed in magazines is more likely to be in violation of industry guidelines if the ad appears in a magazine with sizable youth…
Cele Otnes, a professor of advertising and of business administration who studies how marketing and advertising shapes consumption, says that men who compare…
But the research – which drew from 10 million marketing emails sent to 600,000 customers – also shows there is a way companies can use personal information…
New technologies to support the rapidly evolving world of media and communications are big business. Creating successful image recognition software is a key…