Communications Media

Communications Media

Understanding Uncertain Climate Risks: Key Insights Explained

Despite much research that demonstrates potential dangers from climate change, public concern has not been increasing.One theory is that this is because the…

Communications Media

New Memory Device Paves Way for Greener Technology

Researchers have created a tiny device that improves on existing forms of memory storage. Conventional methods use electronic devices to convert data into…

Communications Media

Swearing on Cable TV: Less Offensive Than Broadcast Channels

This study, published in the January issue of Mass Communication and Society, found that some TV viewers believe swearing on premium channels and cable is less…

Communications Media

Regional Dialects Thrive on Twitter, CMU Research Reveals

Microbloggers may think they're interacting in one big Twitterverse, but researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science find that…

Communications Media

Plagiarism Sleuths Enhance Biomedical Article Integrity

Researchers at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech and collaborators have shown that a computer-based text-searching tool is capable of…

Communications Media

OnLand Launch: Streamlining Business Meetings Online

The unveiling of OnLand – the day after the UK Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review – will vividly demonstrate the potential, with twin events taking…

Communications Media

Mastering Search Terms: Find the Information You Need

’Users usually know what kind of information they are looking for, but they don’t know what question to ask. The problem these days is not for the search…

Communications Media

Online Games: Connecting Cultures and Building Language Skills

The report looks at meetings with other cultures, development of language skills and players who travel to meet up with other players. But it also deals with…

Communications Media

Curing Speech Disorders Through Hindustani Singing Techniques

Hindustani singing, a North Indian traditional style of singing, and classical singing, such as the music of Puccini, Mozart and Wagner, vary greatly in…

Communications Media

Feminine Sympathy and Masculine Distaste in German Language

Imagine what it would be like if all female teachers were called teacheresses, and all female doctors doctoresses. That's exactly how it is in German – women…

Communications Media

What mimicking one's language style may mean about the relationship

“When two people start a conversation, they usually begin talking alike within a matter of seconds,” says James Pennebaker, psychology professor and co-author…

Communications Media

Video Games Lead to Faster Decisions That Are No Less Accurate

The researchers found that video game players develop a heightened sensitivity to what is going on around them, and this benefit doesn’t just make them better…

Communications Media

Digital Film Reel: The Shift to Digital Production in Cinema

In the production of films for movie theaters and cinemas, digital technology is pushing the film reel aside much more slowly than it does with photography. Up…

Communications Media

3-D Movies: Overcoming Data Rates via Internet and Satellite

The problem is the data rate required by the movies – in spite of fast Internet and sat-ellite links. 3-D movies have higher data rate requirements than…

Communications Media

Swedish Universities: Navigating Intellectual Property Challenges

Swedish universities are in the middle of a transformation process where science is privatised and subject to a commercial logic. Hence, a need arises to…

Communications Media

Fraunhofer Develops Innovative Vuvuzela Noise Filter

The symbol of soccer in South Africa – the Vuvuzela. The noisy cultural asset is in the meantime a cause for thought around the world. With more than 130…
