You could match an ad to a web page’s content – such as putting a car ad on an auto consumer website. Or, you could make it stand out with eye-catching pop-up…
ChemPubSoc Europe is an organization of 16 European chemical societies with approx. 85,000 members, and in partnership with Wiley-VCH publishes some of the…
In a dissertation at the Department of Cinema Studies, Stockholm University, Jan Christer Bengtsson has studied and analyzed Peter Weiss’s short films to find…
The quality of entries in the world's largest open-access online encyclopedia depends on how authors collaborate, University of Arizona Professor Sudha Ram…
“This study has shown that an essentially social characteristic significantly influences the survival chances of an online community,” says Dr. Daphne Raban of…
As described in a forthcoming paper,* NIST researchers conducted tests in downtown Denver, Colo., to measure precisely the clustering of signal reflections…
For this purpose Fraunhofer researchers at HHI Berlin developed the cross-layer design SVC over LTE – a coding method that offers HD films in real-time in the…
“Believe it or not, advertising on the Super Bowl can be downright economical,” says Bridges, an expert on branding and advertising. She gives eight reasons…
'We're becoming more and more individualistic, and this shows in what we choose to watch on TV,' says Jakob Bjur from the Department of Journalism, Media and…
In his dissertation work at the Department of Journalism, Media, and Communication, Jakob Bjur studied so-called social viewing.In the past, watching TV was a…
The new guidelines will also enable the public to become more media and information literate.Abdul Waheed Khan, Assistant Director-General for Communication…
Or do they?No instant replays. On-screen statistics are confined to the JumboTron. Sharing excitement and opinions on the game is often limited to chatting…
A new study by George Mason University Communication Professor Xiaoquan Zhao suggests that watching television has no significant impact on viewers' knowledge…
The thesis portrays pictures in perfume advertisements as actors rather than as passive tools, and dissects the dynamics of imagery. Kjellmer, who has a…
A decrease in sales and advertising income are pressing the newspapers to expand in digital technology. Internet, mobile services, e-paper and phenomena such…
The authors of the study, from Imperial College London, say the software will also enable members of the public to act as 'citizen scientists' and help collect…