Communications Media

Global Science Journalists Unite: New Federation Formed in Brazil

Representatives from 14 international, national, and regional organisations from around the world meeting in Brazil have agreed to form a World Federation of Science Journalists, recognizing the increasing international nature of science communication.

The new organization is designed to bridge scientists and society worldwide by creating a network for the exchange of information, improving access to scientific and technical sources and facilitating training and education of journalists particularly those in the developing world. Our goal is to promote and improve the quality, accuracy and presence of science reporting in all types of media.

The founders have adopted a constitution that will allow membership through journalists’’ associations in all fields of science, including: technology, health and environment.

The constitution was presented to the more than 300 participants attending the Third World Conference of Science Journalists held at the University do Vale do Paraiba, in Sao Jose dos Campos, in Brazil.

The constitution will be presented to perspective member organizations for ratification.

The WFSJ will have its headquarters at the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg, France.

The first General Assembly is expected to be held during our 4th World Conference in September in 2004 in Montreal, Canada.

President: Véronique Morin, Canada,
Vice-president Lisbeth Fog, Colombia
Vice-President Werner Hadorn, Switzerland
Treasurer, Mariko Takahashi, Japan
Secretary, Prakash Khanal, Nepal
At-large member, James Cornell, USA
At-large member, Istvan Palugyai, Hungary
Executive Secretary, Jens Degett, Denmark, ESF
For more information please contact Jens Degett Tlf: +33 388 76 71 32 or
Véronique Morin, Canada,

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