The development of medical equipment, products and technical procedures is characterized by high research and development costs in a variety of fields related to the study of human medicine.
innovations-report provides informative and stimulating reports and articles on topics ranging from imaging processes, cell and tissue techniques, optical techniques, implants, orthopedic aids, clinical and medical office equipment, dialysis systems and x-ray/radiation monitoring devices to endoscopy, ultrasound, surgical techniques, and dental materials.
EVPRO – short for: Extracellular Vesicles Promoted Regenerative Osseointegration – aims to counteract the shortened lifetime and to reduce the risk of…
A conventional pacemaker is implanted just under the skin near the collarbone. Its battery and circuitry generate electrical signals that are delivered to the…
For the RayFEye project, the scientists of the LZH have developed both a mechanics and an optics model.
More than 40 billion capillaries — tiny, hair-like blood vessels — are tasked with carrying oxygen and nutrients to the far reaches of the human body.
When a patient receives a robotic prosthetic knee, the device needs to be tuned to accommodate that specific patient. The new tuning system tweaks 12 different…
There are many times when our cells need to move. Mobile cells guide our body's formation (embryonic development). Immune cells roam to capture unwanted…