The development of medical equipment, products and technical procedures is characterized by high research and development costs in a variety of fields related to the study of human medicine.
innovations-report provides informative and stimulating reports and articles on topics ranging from imaging processes, cell and tissue techniques, optical techniques, implants, orthopedic aids, clinical and medical office equipment, dialysis systems and x-ray/radiation monitoring devices to endoscopy, ultrasound, surgical techniques, and dental materials.
Researchers at FAU and the Graz University of Technology are hoping to improve the imaging of cell metabolism using a special technique. The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in…
Freiburg researchers develop guidelines to standardize analysis of electrodes How can scientists measure and define the performance of neural electrodes if there are no uniform standards? Freiburg microsystems engineer Dr….
No stain? No sweat: Terahertz waves can image early-stage breast cancer without staining. A team of researchers at Osaka University, in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux and the Bergonié…
The results of the VIBRA project of the Politecnico di Milano Funded by ERC and just completed, the project uncovers the cellular mechanisms underlying various diseases thanks to a new…
A joint research team led by Prof. WANG Hui and Prof. LIN Wenchu from the High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science developed a synthesis of…
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder and the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have developed a new way to diagnose diseases of the blood like sickle cell disease…