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Antibiotic Resistance and Gene Transfer

The way antibiotic resistance spreads and possible problems from genes transferring have been identified by researchers from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, in new evidence about the way genes pass from one bacterium to another. The research is presented today, Monday 7 April 2003, by Dr Karen Scott at the Society for General Microbiology’s Annual Meeting in Edinburgh.

“We all have a huge number of different bacteria in our guts,” says Dr Scott of the Rowett Research Institute, “a

Defective genes increase breast cancer risk in young women to a greater extent than previously estimated

A joint study between St Mary’s Hospital, the Paterson Institute, Christie Hospital, The University of Manchester, Guys Hospital in London, and Cambridge University researching breast cancer has found that women with defects in certain genes have a higher chance of developing breast cancer when they are young than previous estimates. The report calls for more family history information to be taken from young women with breast cancer.

Breast cancer affects one woman in 10 to 12 in the UK, a

Hannover Messe 2003: Gepresste Gläser mit höchster Präzision

Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT stellt auf der HANNOVER MESSE 2003 vom 7. bis 12. April 2003 ein neues Verfahren zum Präzisionsblankpressen optischer Komponenten aus anorganischen Gläsern vor. Auf einem Gemeinschaftsstand mit der IVAM NRW e. V. (Interessengemeinschaft zur Verbreitung von Anwendungen der Mikrostrukturtechniken) zeigt das Fraunhofer IPT in Halle 6, Stand C22, verschiedene strukturierte Glasoptiken, die mit der Abformtechnologie am Institut hergestellt wurden.

Black holes really are holes, astronomers say

Black holes really are holes – objects without a surface – say Drs Christine Done and Marek Gierlinski in a paper accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Having an “event horizon” rather than a surface is the property that makes something a black hole but, by definition, it’s impossible ever to see one directly. However, these new results give direct evidence of the existence of such holes in spacetime.

Drs Done and Gierlinski set out to track

Neighborhood layout could turn drivers into walkers

People who live in neighborhoods where stores, schools and homes are within walking or cycling distance from each other make almost twice as many weekly trips on foot as residents of less “walkable” neighborhoods, according to new research.

And all that car-free traveling can add up to better health: One or two extra walking trips a week can burn off enough calories to drop nearly two pounds in a year, which is about how much weight American adults gain annually.

If a large propo

Immune response depends on key molecule: Research

In a new study published in the April 1, 2003 issue of Genes and Development, scientists at University Health Network’s Advanced Medical Discovery Institute (AMDI)/Ontario Cancer Institute (OCI) have shown that a molecule called caspase-8 plays a key role in the immune system response, by controlling how T-cells are activated to respond to infections.

T-cells are white blood cells that recognize and fight off viruses and bacteria. When T-cells encounter these foreign invaders they build up

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Physics and Astronomy

Mysterious ‘Red Monster’ galaxies in the early Universe discovered

An international team that includes the University of Bath has discovered three ultra-massive galaxies (‘Red Monsters’) in the early Universe forming at unexpected speeds, challenging current models of galaxy formation….

Flaw in physics models of massive stars and supernovae identified

An international team of researchers led by scientists from the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams uncovered evidence that astrophysics models of massive stars and supernovae are inconsistent with observational gamma-ray…

Breakthrough in photonic time crystals

… could change how we use and control light. The new discovery could dramatically enhance technologies like lasers, sensors and optical computing in the near future. An international research team…

Life Sciences and Chemistry

‘Game changer’ in lithium extraction

Rice researchers develop novel electrochemical reactor. A team of Rice University researchers led by Lisa Biswal and Haotian Wang has developed an innovative electrochemical reactor to extract lithium from natural…

The blue-green sustainable proteins of seaweed

… may soon be on your plate. The protein in sea lettuce, a type of seaweed, is a promising complement to both meat and other current alternative protein sources. Seaweed…

Linking data on genetics, traits and environment

…gives crop breeders a wider lens. Understanding how both environmental conditions and genetic makeup affect crops is essential to developing varieties that are more resilient and productive. But the intricate…

Materials Sciences

Bringing Quantum Mechanics to Life

New ISTA assistant professor Julian Léonard makes abstract quantum properties visible. From the realm of the abstract to the tangible, the new assistant professor at the Institute of Science and…

Carpet fibers stop concrete cracking

Engineers in Australia have found a way to make stronger and crack-resistant concrete with scrap carpet fibres, rolling out the red carpet for sustainability in the construction sector. The research…

New material to make next generation of electronics faster and more efficient

With the increase of new technology and artificial intelligence, the demand for efficient and powerful semiconductors continues to grow. Researchers at the University of Minnesota have achieved a new material…

Information Technology

Future AR/VR controllers could be the palm of your hand

Carnegie Mellon University’s EgoTouch creates simple interfaces for virtual and augmented reality. The new generation of augmented and virtual reality controllers may not just fit in the palm of your…

Storm in a laser beam

Physicists create “light hurricanes” that could transport huge amounts of data. Much of modern life depends on the coding of information onto means of delivering it. A common method is…

Flexible beam-shaping platform optimizes LPBF processes

A new approach to beam shaping will soon make additive manufacturing more flexible and efficient: Fraunhofer ILT has developed a new platform that can be used to individually optimize laser…